Finding My Team: A Journey from Foster Care to Friendship

Hello, everyone. I’m Miggy, and I want to share a story with you. It’s a bit about the challenges of being a foster kid, always on the move, and a lot about finding a place where I belong. This summer, something changed for me, all thanks to a lemonade stand and three incredible friends: Moo, Loo, and Kayla.

The Life of a Foster Kid

Being in foster care means you move around—a lot. New towns, new schools, and new faces become a part of your routine. The hardest part? It’s difficult to make friends when you’re always the new kid. I used to feel like a puzzle piece that didn’t fit anywhere. But this summer, that puzzle piece found its perfect spot.

A New Beginning

It started with a simple “hello” at the park from Moo. I was the quiet kid who liked to keep to himself, but Moo didn’t seem to mind. He introduced me to his brother, Loo, and cousin, Kayla, like it was the most natural thing in the world. They were planning to start a lemonade stand and, to my surprise, they asked me to join them.

Being Part of a Team

I’ve always been shy, and making friends was hard for me. But Moo, Loo, and Kayla never made me feel like an outsider. They accepted me as I was. Working on the lemonade stand, I discovered after watching a documentary about Henry Ford and his assembly line system, I had a knack for organizing and making sure things ran smoothly—turns out, I was a pretty good COO!

For the first time, I felt valued for my skills and ideas. I learned that being part of a team meant I could contribute in my own way, and it felt great to be relied upon. Together, we faced challenges, from tweaking our lemonade recipe to dealing with other surprises. Each obstacle we overcame together made me feel more connected to my new friends.

Finding Acceptance

Moo, Loo, and Kayla showed me that friendship isn’t about how long you’ve known someone or how similar you are. It’s about acceptance, understanding, and the willingness to stand by each other’s side. They taught me that I could be part of something special, even when life seemed to keep saying otherwise.

A Message of Hope

To anyone out there who feels like they don’t belong, I want to say this: keep your heart open. The world is full of Moo’s, Loo’s, and Kayla’s—people who will see you for who you are and welcome you with open arms. Sometimes, finding where you belong starts with a simple “hello.”

Being a foster kid will always be part of my story, but it’s not the whole story. Thanks to a lemonade stand and the kindness of new friends, I’ve started a new chapter—one where I’m no longer just the new kid, but an essential part of a team.

Thank you for letting me share my journey. Here’s to finding your team and squeezing the sweet moments out of life, one cup of lemonade at a time.



Read the full story. Order a copy of Lemonade Book below:


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