'Moo, Loo & Kayla Do Lemonade'
Embark on an Entrepreneurial Adventure!
Dive into the vibrant tale of Moo, Loo, and Kayla three young entrepreneurs who turn a simple summer day into an unforgettable business journey. Join them as they navigate the sweet and sour paths of running a lemonade stand. A story that's not just about lemonade but about dreams, teamwork, and the spirit of entrepreneurship.
Lemonade Book Impacts!
🍋 Discover. Dream. Do. 🍋
It's not a Children's Book; it's a Business Storybook so simple children can understand!
Lemonade Book Impacts!
🍋 Lemonade Book is the #1 book to teach Entrepreneurship, Teamwork, Financial Literacy, Marketing and Leadership to Students. 🍋

Our Lemonade Book Readers!
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